Partner Program

Become our partners to drive more traffic and increase sales for your website.

Retail partners

Become our retail partners to drive traffic to your stores and increase sales.


Benefits of being our retail partners:
  • Have your products recommended to our users when they request for styling
  • Make it easier for your customer to add clothes to their digital closet and get outfit recommendation for clothes they bought from your store

How it works

All you need is to install our Shopify app on your Shopify-powered store. Our Shopify app will:
  • Pull all your product information to the product database that our stylists use.
  • Include a pop-over dialog to the order complete page, giving your customers the option to add purchased items to their digital closets.

How to participate

For a limited time, it is free to become our partners. For more information, please email:


Blogging Partners

Become our blogging partners to drive more traffic to your blog.


Benefits of being our blogging partners:
  • Exposure to our fashion community, gain more followers for your blog and Instagram
  • Feature as Blogger of the Week on our blog
  • Basic IT help with your blogs from our IT experts

How to participate

For a limited time, it is free to become our partners. For more information, please email:


Contact us


Want to give us feedback?

Email us: